
Community Member
Aug 25, 2016 11:22:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I'd like to see a feature, where we could exempt certain questions in a test bank, so that they won't appear in a quiz that we are creating.  E.g. I create a test bank for a portion of the cou...
Likes: 1
Problem statement: With ChatGPT and other AI tools being available to students easily, we need a way to track what students are doing in discussions, in the same manner that we can see what they are d...
Likes: 0
Problem statement: When you open the quiz log for a student's exam, and select one of the time stamps to view the HTML log, often it will jump to part of the log that is NOT the time stamp you are...
Likes: 0
Problem statement: Currently the Quiz Log lets you examine each "entry" and change it from HTML to Plain text. This is fine for short responses, but I've been increasingly implementing lon...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: With ChatGPT and other AI tools being available to students easily, we need a way to track what students are doing in discussions, in the same manner that we can see what they are d...
Jan 30, 2024 11:05 AM
Problem statement: When you open the quiz log for a student's exam, and select one of the time stamps to view the HTML log, often it will jump to part of the log that is NOT the time stamp you are...
May 19, 2023 12:17 PM
Problem statement: Currently the Quiz Log lets you examine each "entry" and change it from HTML to Plain text. This is fine for short responses, but I've been increasingly implementing lon...
May 19, 2023 10:57 AM
I'd like to see a feature, where we could exempt certain questions in a test bank, so that they won't appear in a quiz that we are creating.  E.g. I create a test bank for a portion of the cou...
May 17, 2020 10:36 AM

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