
Community Explorer
Sep 18, 2017 10:37:02 AM
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I am a Faculty Developer/Instructional Designer at Valencia College. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities with a minor in Anthropology from University of Central Florida, and a Master of Science degree from Walden University in Instructional Design and Technology. Through the Center of Teaching/Learning Innovation and Faculty and Instructional Development courses, I partner with faculty to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences for teaching and learning, design and develop classroom tools for all modalities, and consult with faculty regarding their pursuits in developing with the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator.

Most Liked Posts

The ProblemLong assignment titles get truncated in the grade center. When you have similarly named assignments, it can be hard to locate specific assignments. Aside from mousing over each title or man...
Likes: 108
Update: I've added the idea to the studio. Please vote if you would like to see this as a feature in the grade center. Thanks!https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/12518-nicknames-for-grade-center...
Likes: 19
Along with the release of Discussion Checkpoints, the Speedgrader layout for Discussions changed for all graded discussions regardless of using Checkpoints. It would be helpful to make this layout an ...
Likes: 2
A simple method is to add a container element with overflow-x:auto around the <table>:<div style="overflow-x:auto;">  <table>    ...  </table></div>
Likes: 2
Does the file have to live in the course? Could it be shared externally on Google Drive or One Drive?
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Most Recent Posts

Along with the release of Discussion Checkpoints, the Speedgrader layout for Discussions changed for all graded discussions regardless of using Checkpoints. It would be helpful to make this layout an ...
Jan 21, 2025 13:17 PM
I uploaded to Canvas Commons an activity created in Articulate 360 for students to learn about meta-majors and program advising opportunities at Valencia College. Do a search on the Commons for "N...
Nov 29, 2018 09:49 AM
Does the file have to live in the course? Could it be shared externally on Google Drive or One Drive?
Oct 04, 2018 14:19 PM
A simple method is to add a container element with overflow-x:auto around the <table>:<div style="overflow-x:auto;">  <table>    ...  </table></div>
Oct 03, 2018 14:11 PM
The ProblemLong assignment titles get truncated in the grade center. When you have similarly named assignments, it can be hard to locate specific assignments. Aside from mousing over each title or man...
Sep 26, 2018 15:24 PM

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