Activity Feed
- Posted Re: Insights file should include name of video! on Canvas Studio Discussion. 02-13-2023 04:32 PM
- Liked Re: New Ideas & Themes Now Live for leward. 02-13-2023 04:27 PM
- Posted Insights file should include name of video! on Canvas Studio Discussion. 02-04-2023 10:16 AM
- Posted Convert Quiz to Question bank on Idea Conversations. 11-11-2021 03:37 PM
- Liked Problems related to Item Bank ownership and lack of usage details for CHSCanvas-Admin. 11-11-2021 03:17 PM
- Liked Adjust all assignment and quiz dates on a single page for harris60. 04-13-2020 05:48 PM
- Liked Regrade quiz when deleting questions for ggd356. 04-13-2020 05:46 PM
- Liked Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes for seth. 04-13-2020 05:45 PM
- Liked [Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments for woodsdm2. 04-13-2020 05:45 PM
- Liked Ability to Save and Copy from Frequently Used Comments in Speedgrader/DocViewer for jherron. 04-13-2020 05:45 PM
- Liked [Assignments] Assignments within weighted groups treated with equal value regardless of points for LEASUSAN. 10-14-2019 03:20 PM
- Liked [Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time for emalates. 10-10-2019 02:24 PM
- Liked [Assignments] Submit an assignment on behalf of a student for CommunityTeam. 10-10-2019 02:23 PM
- Liked Studio Analytics for jackiehughes. 10-10-2019 02:19 PM
- Liked Scientific Notation in Formula Questions Redux for danderso. 01-04-2019 07:34 PM
- Liked Quizzes.Next: Numerical answers need greater dynamic range for mhurwitz. 01-04-2019 07:33 PM