
Community Participant
Jun 11, 2020 9:37:24 AM
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recently some default style has been added to some links that I have created in a number of pages across all my courses.  it is as follows: class="instructure_file_link inline_disabled".  ...
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On the enhanced assignment submission page: If I've restricted submission types to only allow pdf's, why would webcam and studio still display to the student as options--you know, in that line...
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my 2 cents if you haven't figured this one out yet.Currently in canvas, there is a way to easily remove that little arrow icon.  Having built the link in the RCE, look at the html behind the link ...
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hmmm..  the score per item is attached to the item and requires that the item display if you want the score to display.  This seems reasonable to me. If the student can't see the question, showing...
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While creating a journal assignment, for example, I would like to assign the journal to a student/section and make it due weekly.  So I add a due date for the first week and select "everyone" ...
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perhaps set your default grade posting policy to hide grades unless you post them manually.  In this case, your many practice quiz grade columns will not be visible to students.  However, I find that ...
Jul 29, 2024 12:00 PM
extra credit in a course seems built in to the gradebook already.  try this: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-override-a-student-s-final-grade-in-the-Gradebook/ta-p/946. 
May 24, 2024 15:04 PM
perhaps I misunderstand, but this seems to be a functional feature.  try here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-grade-one-quiz-question-at-a-time-in-SpeedGrader/ta-p/1002
Sep 14, 2023 11:49 AM
If your “text spacer” is offering an answer anyway to be used in the following questions, why not just include that answer in the beginning of the next question? Then the info is displayed and no warn...
Jun 08, 2023 23:21 PM
perhaps I misunderstand, but why would you need space between each question if you enable "one question at a time"? no spacers necessary.  And if you use a question as a spacer, then you'r...
Jun 08, 2023 14:41 PM

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