Selected Labels:
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
No indication from the screen reader if you have results for your item bank searches. If there are results you will be able to tab into...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When creating a question on New Quizzes, if an error occurs due to invalid or no data being input, the error message is not read out. I...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
During the export process all New Quizzes get assigned an incorrect assignment group identifier. This means that they are being importe...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
A role that doesn’t have ‘Grades - edit’ permission is unable to view speedgrader after an anonymous assignment has posted grades.
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
An assignment which is in a locked module shows up in the smart search results.
Expected Behavior
Prevent the assignment from showing...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When a user adds an item to a module, while using JAWS, and presses the down arrow to navigate to add another item, the focus will jump...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
In Studio video quizzes, there are non-interactive elements that receive focus when navigating using the tab key. This is happening bec...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When a screen reader navigates the a Studio video by pressing the down arrow key to read the next item or up arrow key to read the prev...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When using a TXT file to upload a list of forbidden words/terms for passwords, if a word is used that is already in a user's current pa...
Status: Open
Published: 2 hours ago
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
The zoom functions seem to work in reverse for freetext annotation comments when zooming in or out of a submission in the student andro...
Status: Completed
Published: Monday
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 12/04/24.
When a user is enrolled in a course with a teacher role and at least two observer enrollments...
Status: Completed
Published: Monday
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 11/20/24.
When Default Source Content Security Policy Logging is enabled for an account, media uploaded...
Status: Open
Published: Monday
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
Apple iWork files (.pages, .numbers, .key) are not rendering in SpeedGrader.
Expected Behavior
Instead these types of files should be...
Status: Open
Published: Monday
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When creating a new Grading Period, trying to add a term creates an Unexpected Application Error! Cannot read properties of undefined (...
Status: Open
Published: Monday
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When a page includes a link to join a conference that page will fail to import when the course is copied.
Expected Behavior
Having a ...
Status: Completed
Published: Monday
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 12/01/24.
When a message includes a new line, the app doesn’t show any of the message after the new lin...
Status: Completed
Published: Monday
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 11/29/24.
If a Teacher has saved comments within their comment library and they login on the iOS Teache...
Status: Completed
Published: Monday
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 12/02/24.
When the setting "Increase calendar context limit" is enabled in an account, student/teacher/...
Status: Open
Published: Monday
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When loading a Discussion page for the first time and leaving a comment, the sorting preference isn’t applied to new comments made by t...
Status: Open
Published: Monday
Engineers are currently investigating the issue.
When uploading an unsupported file type file to a New Quiz question, the download link for the file changes, the file name is dropped d...