[New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes

Many times, we write quizzes that get progressively more difficult. I would love a feature where students can get grades as they go on a quiz. In other words, they can submit their answer for question 1 and see correct answers and/or comments before they have to submit their answer for question 2.  By doing such, a student could determine if they are on a completely wrong trajectory before failing an entire quiz. This can maximize effectiveness of instructor comments, identify key basic misunderstandings before advancing, give immediate feedback for the student, and allow the quiz to be both a learning and assessment tool.


Currently, the only option to do this is to create multiple one question quizzes instead of a single multi question quiz. This is not only cumbersome, but can be awkward within Grades (especially if you have settings to drop high/low scores)

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Community Explorer

I just posted something very similar in regards to chemistry:  https://community.canvaslms.com/message/94402 

Formative assessments are critical for students to be able to learn from mistakes and grow.  Without providing feedback on each problem as a student works, they may be making continuous mistakes and will not be made aware of it until the end of the quiz. 

The option for students to take the quiz one question at a time already exists.  It would be fantastic if those questions could also be graded as they went.

Furthermore, from my own post, it would be very helpful if formula-based questions had an option to keep the same randomized values on each attempt as opposed to creating new values for every question on each attempt.  Or possibly an option that would allow students to re-attempt only the missed questions.  This would allow students to work on problems in which they made mistakes without have to re-do problems they already had correct.

Community Novice

I am new to canvas and have yet to teach a class in canvas( I teach high school physics) but I am interested in using canvas for many of its features and mistakenly assumed it already allowed immediate feedback.  One feature I am confident it does not yet possess is the Multi step calculation idea.   I currently use it and it is simply an option under calculation question types, but connected here is that I assumed immediate feedback was an option. This feature is vital to the way I have been teaching. Admittedly it is a two edged sword, while it encourages initially it has prevented progress in the past as a student feels they simply can not go on if they did not get one problem right.  But proper student preparation and or environment where it is accessed could limit those issues.  for example only let them work on it at school where they could seek help to remedy the lack of knowledge or receive your prompts and cues to move past it. 

Community Novice

This feature in moodle is an option you can turn on or off. It is particularly useful for teaching students who need instant feedback and encouragement. I have the pleasure of working one-on-one with many students with special needs who need that immediate feedback.

It would also make interaction with the students much more effective if I could see what they have done in a "quiz" before they submit it. Is there a way to do this?

Community Novice

My institution currently uses Moodle, and I make heavy use of this feature to scaffold student learning and allow them to solve progressively more difficult problems. This feature would add significant value to Canvas. 

Community Novice

Our chemistry teacher has expressed the same sentiment.

As I teach my students at distance I often depend on this feature in moodle. I do not have the face -to-face option of explaining answers to my class!

It also does not seem feasible to make the students(and teacher) log in to 25 separate quizzes each week, just so they can check their answers as they go!

If the quiz is a test or exam it is obvious that we do not want them to see the answers until after marking. Thus the need to be able to control this immediate feedback option for each "quiz".

Annette Nicholls

|*:02 5804 7058| Science |Biology |Senior Science | Alternate Programs

Dubbo School of Distance Education / Myall Street Dubbo, NSW, 2830

Community Novice

YES! I'm personally not even as concerned with it showing a grade as they go, so much as just giving IMMEDIATE feedback and showing the correct answer after they submit each question.  This lets the kids learn from their mistakes, while the question and their thought process trying to solve it is still fresh in their minds.  This way they are continuing to learn rather than just be assessed.

I like to use "quizzes" as warmups to review the material from the day before.  I want to randomize the question order, show one question at a time, and once they submit the answer they should immediately see if they got it right or wrong, and what the correct answer is.  With a random question order and showing feedback for only one question at a time it really limits the potential for students to cheat as well.

Community Novice

This feature will be very helpful for formative assessments as well as tutorial-based homework assignments. When students are learning a new skill, it is important that they not practice doing the skill wrong. 

Here is an specific use case.

  1. Demonstration: Teacher models how to measure mass and volume to find density, using a specific example and going through each step.
  2. Student Trial 1:
    1. Student is given a sample object and shown a video of the object being placed on a scale. Student enters mass of object. (At this point, the student should be able to check to see if they entered the correct value because this value will be used later.)
    2. Student is shown a video of water being added to a graduated cylinder and asked to enter the initial volume of the water. (A check is very important here, because this value can be open to interpretation.)
    3. Student is shown a video of the object being added to the water in the graduated cylinder and is asked to enter the final volume of the water. (Again, a check is essential to ensure the following calculations will be correct.)
    4. Student is asked to calculate the change in volume of the water which is the volume of the object. (This calculation needs to be correct in order for the density to be calculated correctly.)
    5. Student is asked to calculate the density (mass/volume) of the object. (The student needs to know whether they did this correctly or if they need to rethink the process before the next object.)
  3. Student Trial 2:
    1. An exact repeat of the previous trial using a different object.
  4. Student Trial 3:
    1. Student watches the mass video for a third object and records the mass.
    2. Student watches both volume videos for the third object and records the change in volume. (Because this combines steps 2-4 from the previous objects, it is critical they know whether they did this correctly before moving on.)
    3. Students calculate density. (Because there is less scaffolding, students need to know whether it was done correctly.)
  5. Student Trial 4: 
    1. Student is shown all three videos, mass, initial volume, and final volume, and is asked to calculate density. (Because this combines steps 1-5 from the first two objects, students need to know whether they completed this step correctly.)
  6. Comparison of densities
    1. Students use the densities of the five objects to order the objects from least dense to most dense. (Without knowing the correct densities from their trials, students may miss this due to an error that would have been caught had they been able to check their work along the way.)

Currently there is no way to design this using Canvas quizzes/assessments that is intuitive for students without requiring an excessive number of individual assessments, or having the student complete multiple steps without knowing whether or not they are doing the process correctly. 

Community Novice

I too am in favor of immediate feedback.

I think the current presentation of the answers leads to cognitive overload as it is all presented on one page.  Also, by presenting each answer (as you suggest) it allows for a simplified presentation of feedback (an immediate pop up of the answer or delayed after the test is taken but presented differently)  An alternative presentation provides an enhanced ability for a student to read each answer thoroughly and provides adequate cognitive processing time before moving on to the next question and answer.

The presentation of feedback is important via research by Shana K. Carpenter & Edward Vul (2011).  They show that delayed feedback is "beneficial only if it involves a blank screen".  I think the current answer screen is cluttered and undermines learning since it is a busy screen presented with too much test information.  

Community Member

Please develop this feature option, as it's in the best interests for students. Especially for practice quizzes. If Canvas doesn't want to clutter up the quiz options, maybe there can be a separate 'tutorial' or 'practice quiz' function where getting immediate feedback can be implemented.

Community Novice

Just spent 10 minutes searching this functionality for the very same reason: I would like to give a Chemistry quiz where the students are able to get instant feedback on every question, as they proceed. I don't care about it being graded, I just want some sort of automated response (which is already within the Quiz function) to the various answer choices I've given them - all leading them to solve the problem themselves. Yes - please develop this function!