Quizzed not working with JAWS on Chrome and Edge

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Our course quizzes are not currently accessible with JAWS when using Chrome and Edge. The screen reader skips over the question answers, making it impossible for students to complete the course quizzes successfully. We want to make Canvas and others aware of this issue in hopes of having the issue resolved quickly. Has anyone else had this issue with students using screen readers and taking quizzes with Chrome and Edge?

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Hi, which quiz are you referring to? New or old quizzes?


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One example. The Reader (Kurzweil) worked for the first 9 questions and starting at question 10 it no longer read the questions of the test or the answers. The problems may be related to multiple choice questions. Attempted to log in/out Kurzweil, same symptom persisted. Attempted to change settings options in Kurzweil, same symptom persisted. Attempted to move student to a new station, same symptom persisted. Restarted their workstation and the same symptom persisted. 

It appears the key factor is the 'New Quizzes' feature within Canvas, as it seems there are several question types exhibiting the issue and it's not present in classic quizzes. Natural Reader and Read Aloud do not work at all.
The free/limited TextHelp Read & Write Chrome extension appears to work inconsistently. Yesterday it worked OK (not perfectly), but this morning it is behaving similarly to Kurzweil when reading Multiple Answer questions - it bounces back up to the top of the page after reading the question.

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Community Explorer

I haven't been able to replicate this on PC/Chrome with Read & Write or Kurzweil. I created and tested a 50 question multiple-choice quiz, then added and tested a few multi-select questions within those. Both would read from the start of the question with all of the responses after manually selecting/clicking the heading area at the start of the section (where the question number is followed by the number of points). With Kurzweil, I had some difficulty when moving the green cursor to within the question text itself, but clicking on the header of the question presented no problems. Kurzweil also didn't consistently move to the start of the new question; sometimes I could just hit "play" on the next question and it would start at the top, but most of the time I had to click at the header of the question then hit play.

Please let me know if there is a different approach/feature that you're using or if there's a specific set of steps that can be followed. I also have access to a Mac that I can test if you're experiencing the problems on a mac.




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