[ARCHIVED] Can Students Re-Enter and then Edit a Quiz?

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Would I be able to create a "quiz" in the Quizzes function within Canvas that a student could access multiple times to edit? I have what I call a "final exam" in a class that is more of a thinking, writing, and content application exercise. "Grading" it is facilitated nicely within the Quizzes function in Canvas. That is why I would prefer to stay within that format. That said, there is no reason to limit the time or attempts at the "quiz" during the set period for student work on this.

Thanks.multiple quiz attepmts quiz settings for a course #quiz accessibility

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @bforist 

Easiest way to do this in Canvas is to set no time limit, and stretch out the availability dates to whatever date you want them to stop working., then advise/instruct your students to not submit the quiz until they are done with their edit. If they simply exit the quiz, Canvas will let them resume the quiz anytime until the availability and/or due dates have been achieved.

And, if a student forgets to submit, How do I manually submit outstanding student quiz submissions? 

If a student accidentally does submit, though, your only option is to give them another attempt Once I publish a quiz, how can I give my students extra attempts? 

I hope this is helpful,


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