@Bobby2 -
Thanks for calling me out on this and asking for my views as a parent of a second grader and spouse of a K-5 educator. While I don't have any specific ideas or resources, I can speak to what my experience is.
As I said, my son is in second grade, but he hasn't had to login to any resources or know his login information until this year. As a parent - I like the fact that he hasn't had to authenticate into any systems and his only computer classes have revolved around web based applications up until this year (although, I'm still scratching my head as to why a second grader needs an e-mail address, but you didn't ask that!).
Now that he has the ability to authenticate, his computer class and his regular class use computers pretty heavily (that's a credit to his gen ed teacher, not a requirement). He's on a google campus, so he has access to anything google - including google classroom.
Now - the authentication part. They're pretty smart in creating usernames as "firstname.lastname@district.net" (plus, then he learns his e-mail address). His password is his student ID number, which then any teacher would have access to and can help him with that - but this is the same ID number he has used in the lunch room since kinder, so he already knows it. I can't speak to whether or not that was intentional - but if it was, that's dang smart.
I hope this helps folks out some. I'll admit, at times I'm not crazy about how some things are handled and I guess some of my Higher Ed starts to show....then my wife tells me to relax and everything is ok! 
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