[ARCHIVED] Canvas Questions!

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 Can you help me with these?

  1. When the instructor/users of the sandbox course create Test Students, are we all basically the same test student? How can we create multiple Test Students, and how many can we create? On a community board, we learned that it depends upon what institution allows. (Some have capability to generate fake email addresses and add fake people). Do we have or can we get that option? If we have it, where is that option? Is it under PEOPLE that we could manually add?
  1. Once we set a rating scale for SLOs, it applies to all the SLOs in the course (although other parts of an assignment’s rubric can look different)—is that standard or is there any way to change it so that different rating scales could be used in one course? (for example, the 0-4 point scale for Gen Ed and a 0-5 point scale in English)
  1. Does the Learning Master Gradebook automatically include every Student Learning Outcome that exists in a class, or can we deselect or select what outcomes show on the Excel report from LMGB?
  2. Related question: if we’re measuring SLOs for multiple areas, such as Gen Ed, English, and Composition, can we run a report that would select only the SLOs that relate to that program?
  1. If you are tracking multiple assessments in an assignment, it could be confusing to students to see a rating such as “proficient,” alongside the criteria for the assignment. When you use a Gen Ed outcome in your rubric, but it’s not related to the score, can you prevent the student from seeing that you’re assessing it at all? You can rename the SLOs in the student view, but can you make it so an SLO (even one without points) would not show up in the student view at all? So that all they would see is how they are being measured for their assignment?
  1. Rubrics created under RUBRICS are available, but those created as part of the assignment only live there and don’t show up under the course RUBRICS link. When you create a rubric in an assignment how to designate it to appear under RUBRICS so that it could be imported to other classes too?
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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@haati Hopefully these answers help with your additional questions!

  1. Once we set a rating scale for SLOs, it applies to all the SLOs in the course (although other parts of an assignment’s rubric can look different)—is that standard or is there any way to change it so that different rating scales could be used in one course? (for example, the 0-4 point scale for Gen Ed and a 0-5 point scale in English)

If you want to have different ratings for different assignments and rubrics, you can create multiple outcomes with different ratings attached to them. How do I create an outcome for a course? 
These outcomes can be associated with rubrics, as you described in your question.

  1. Does the Learning Master Gradebook automatically include every Student Learning Outcome that exists in a class, or can we deselect or select what outcomes show on the Excel report from LMGB?

The learning mastery gradebook only shows outcomes that have been used in Grading. Once you have used a rubric with an outcome attached to it, it will populate in the gradebook.

  1. Related question: if we’re measuring SLOs for multiple areas, such as Gen Ed, English, and Composition, can we run a report that would select only the SLOs that relate to that program?

As far as outcomes reports are concerned, these can only be created by admins. If you would like to suggest a feature request here

  1. If you are tracking multiple assessments in an assignment, it could be confusing to students to see a rating such as “proficient,” alongside the criteria for the assignment. When you use a Gen Ed outcome in your rubric, but it’s not related to the score, can you prevent the student from seeing that you’re assessing it at all? You can rename the SLOs in the student view, but can you make it so an SLO (even one without points) would not show up in the student view at all? So that all they would see is how they are being measured for their assignment?

Unfortunately that is not a feature at this time. If an outcome has a rating associated with it and is being used in grading, the students will have access to it unless you hide the grades for that assignment. 


Hopefully these answers help, let me know if you you have any additional questions. 

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