[ARCHIVED] Canvas in Elective Course (Art, Ceramics, Woodshop, etc.) Ideas

Community Coach
Community Coach

As a facilitator in the Canvas Certified Educator Program, one of our awesome participants asked for ideas of integrating Canvas with elective courses (like Art, Ceramics, Woodshop, etc.). I passed the question along to some of our helpful Advocates and they shared some great ideas. Something similar to Flipping Woodshop.

I thought it would be fab for others to add onto this list!

  • If the elective teachers have "process art" assignments they can have students submit videos of the process they go through in creation of their art. [Jim Wolf]

  • Flipgrid assessments, get students recording their processes and upload them that way. [Stephen Taylor]

  • Discussion boards for Gallery Walks; teacher or student "how-to" videos for flipped instruction as student can never get close enough in a physical space to really see it well. Assignments or discussions for students to post their artist statements. [Carrie Gardner]

  • Use Canvas to provide feedback as well, set up assignments as well as paper ones for photographs of the finished product. Allows for conversation to take place in the feedback comments. [Stephen Taylor]

  • Allow students to create pages in the course to research on Artists or artistic processes related to their medium. [Jim Wolf]

  • Student annotate assignments for them to critique artist's work. [Stephen Taylor]

  • Have students use Studio (if you have access to that tool) to video their artist statement instead of writing one. Also, use Studio quiz for assessment. [Jim Wolf]

  • Have students write a self-assessment choosing one assignment (art, project, paper, etc.) that they enjoyed most (found most fulfilling or challenging) and discuss why. Great for personal portfolio of academic growth & reflection for the students... as well as a fantastic resource for faculty who are writing college recs! [ @BethCrook ]


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