[ARCHIVED] Canvas in the Non 1:1 Elementary Classroom

Community Novice

Currently our district has seen great success with Canvas in our 1:1 classrooms (Grades 5-12 and a few K-4 pilot classrooms). We have been working on roll-out with our non 1:1 classrooms but it has not taken off as well as I would have hoped. We initially started with a small group of teachers from all buildings and grade levels to create a "Canvas Ambassador Group". The goal was to provide an overview and small group training with this group to begin to build capacity in our non 1:1 classrooms. From there we opened up an invitation to any teacher who was interested in Canvas to begin our district wide Canvas Challenge, an online self-paced Canvas Course, walking participants through training modules. For some reason, if with effective training of the "why" behind Canvas, non 1:1 teachers in our district can not see past Canvas as an element in only our 1:1 environments.

This year our Learning Department has regrouped to approach Canvas with more and continuous modeling of Canvas at a district level with administration, more in-depth training with support staff (instructional coaches and media specialists), and continuation of sharing effective examples of Canvas integration across the district.

My biggest question is, how do I help my non 1:1 teachers see the positives of using a Learning Management System with only a small group of iPads? Has anyone else struggled to implement Canvas into non 1:1 classrooms? Is anyone willing to share some effective examples of how non 1:1 teachers are using Canvas?

I am really open to any and all suggestions as I can see the power and value in Canvas in all layers of the classroom (1:1 and not)!


Courtney Cohron

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