[ARCHIVED] Customize Course Menu

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Is there a way to add something to the course menu?  The teachers would like a link to their online curriculum (Pearson Realize) in the menu on their courses. There isn't an app available so I can't go that route. I tried manually adding it, but when I put the login page URL, it shows an error and can't add it.  I have tried adding it via Manual Entry and By URL and neither one will work.  What am I missing?  Do I have to have the Consumer Key and Shared Secret for this?  In the documentation, it mentions that you might not need it for some things. 

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @lhenson ,

The Redirect tool (big blue arrow) will work great for this, it's part of the Edu App Center already, it's totally free.  They just paste the URL, give it a tiled and select for it to display on the menu navigation and it will be added.  Works like a charm.

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