[ARCHIVED] Deleted zero in gradebook reappears

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I have my gradebook set up to automatically assign a zero for late work.  However, certain assignments I make optional and so need to take off the "missing" label and delete the zero.  I am able to remove the "missing" label and delete the zero but lately Canvas continues to put the zero back in!  I have to continually delete the zero, sometimes multiple times before it finally sticks.

Is this a known issue? This makes it super frustrating when wanting to make certain assignments optional.

It would be really nice if we could select which assignments we want our late policy to apply to when creating each assignment.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @jheisley

I searched our ticket database and have not found anything in regards to this issue that have been reported recently, but I would recommend you reach out to our Support team so they can look at this on an individual course level: How do I contact Canvas Support? 

@lori_campbell This behavior you have described is in fact intended behavior. You can view our documentation here on our Release Notes: Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15) 

If you are hoping to get a change implemented to Canvas, I would recommended posting to our Idea Conversations page: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/idb-p/ideas

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