I would like to re-ampliphy this problem. I teach multiple computer science courses and have been fighting this canvas import/question bank issue for a few years now...
In our current time of increased focus in online teaching, I find this specific and repeatable issue to be an achilles heel for Canvas, relative to the stated "best practices" for using question banks (question groups).
Please note that the import I speak of below is cloud-based (it is completely unaffected by my computer, since I am importing from "an existing canvas course" that I previously taught, into a new canvas course... I never use my computer's file system to execute the import). Also note that I am NOT importing question banks; I am only importing quizzes that reference question banks that exist and work that I "own" and manage in canvas.
I can absolutely document repeated and random import failures of quizzes that utilized links to question banks that are valid and which exist in my hosted (prior) canvas courses. Question groups that utilize links to question banks, when imported from my old course into my new course (same class, different semester), will absolutely fail RANDOMLY when brought into the new course.
The significant and notable bug (and make no doubt that this is a serious import infrastructure Canvas bug) is that canvas will sometimes successfully preserve a link to a different question bank in a one of my courses, and sometimes it will not.
Also, I can see that the total number of questions created in the new import is different and increased. It appears as if when canvas import fails on a specific question group, it tries "again" and creates a second broken question group.
I would also like to point out that I have looked broadly for a pattern that would explain these failures and I have read the suppositions above that perhaps this is related to the type of questions that exist in the linked question banks, or perhaps that it relates to the name of the question bank, etc. But I can find no pattern. Moreover, since what we are trying to import is merely a link (!) it is hard to fathom what specific aspect of that simply import step could be failing randomly. I am left to believe that it is not the nature of the content (links) being imported, but rather a random failure at the cloud-level in some strange way.
As a result, my quizzes from prior semesters, when imported into my current semester class, are corrupted in random ways. Each question group may or may not survive import. (an I use a different question bank for every question... so the scale of this failure is quite massive across the entire semester and across all of my courses).
And (and this is critical)... when I delete and re-import that quiz again into my new course... I get a DIFFERENT result each time I attempt a new import!
This means that the canvas import software is not operating in a deterministic manner. This may mean that the bug is caused by internet latency at the cloud level (again - my computer is not part of the import transaction so this is a problem in the cloud infrastructure to be sure).
Below are two pictures that show the "before" and "after" of import of a specific quiz.
This does not represent total failure (because some links are preserved) - so we cannot say "this is not supported"... because it works (albeit randomly).
So honestly how does canvas expect us to invest in time to build persist question banks that we can share across time and across multiple sections of the same course (!!!) if we cannot trust import to preserve links across courses to other question banks which I categorically own and have access too (and which clearly persist and can be referenced manually).
And... if the answer is "Try the new quiz system, it might work"... I would first like to hear canvas acknowledge that this is a broken artifact of the current platform before I roll the dice on the new and partially implemented quiz system we are supposed to use.
Please Canvas offer some guidance.
Original Quiz (all good links to question bank questions hosted in this course):

Imported quiz from the above course being used in new course for the current semester - NOT importing the question banks themselves, just the quiz.
Broken quiz import
Note that the top few links in the imported quiz below come in fine, except for the Q1 question group. This question is broken because it does not contain a link which we can clearly see in the image above. This break can be easily fixed by manually recreating a new question group and manually linking it to the same course question bank used by the other questions:

And here is a subsequent import that shows DIFFERENT RESULTS!! (all I did was reimport with the same settings, which overwrites the same quiz and replaces it entirely... but with different results). You can see now that question 1 and 2 are broken this time. This behavior repeats randomly no matter how many times you re-import this quiz:

And here are my import settings:

Any my "selected content" before import finishes (Please note that I am NOT importing question banks below)

Help Canvas Help! I have spent hours documenting this issue in the hopes that we can find the problem and get it resolved. I hope to receive a substantive answer that is based on as much effort as I have offered here to represent the problem.
With respect,
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