[ARCHIVED] Newbie to LMS (Canvas) as an instructor and OVERWHELMED...

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Just want to say I have tried searching old posts and have found a few helpful ones that I saved for specific issues or things, but I am trying to find a true beginners guide. I have used a few LMS as a student but before covid my school did not have a proper LMS.

We are supposed to be putting in our couSHAREit rses into Canvas for fall and I am honestly overwhelmed. I went through the Canvas training and I have checked out the community, but I was hoping to find a newb guide designed by instructors (reading or video). I don't know where to begin and I really want to set up my courses to work f2f (we are 100% in-person) but also easily transition online when Admins plans inevitably fail and we go back online.

I feel like time is my enemy and just like everyone else I have life stresses and 2020 eating my soul.

So who or what helped you when you first started in Canvas?

 Appvn Please and thank you.


Brainless & stressed out subhuman whack-a-doodle.

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@PristoMiky I sincerely apologize for the position you find yourself in...and you are not alone. I will try to avoid my soapbox of how this industry can fail its students (and teachers) but I know that won't help right now. what I can do is offer you a bit of my time and help you with a few concepts that are applicable across the platform, in hopes that you can then use that information in order to build out some other parts of your course.

Yes, there are tutorials out there, but most assume that you understand basic functionality and navigation. Luckily, once you get that under your belt, things will start making sense. It is almost easier to go outside the community and look for a 5 or 10 minute "Introduction to Canvas" that someone uploaded to youtube and watch how they upload a syllabus. then go from there.

Send me your email address and we can connect, even later today. I can also set up video conferencing and try some screen-sharing. I'm larry.turner@abbvie.com

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