[ARCHIVED] Partial Credit for Matching Questions?

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Why can't students receive partial credit on the New Quizzes "Matching" questions?  If I have a series of questions on historical figures and the students match 4 of the 5 historical figures....they should get 4 of 5 points in the section.  It should not be an "All or Nothing" scenario.  At least give us an option....... 

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@pallen5 ...

Hello.  I'm not sure if you follow the Canvas Release Notes here in the Canvas Community or not, but I think you'll be happy to know that partial credit on matching questions is now available in New Quizzes.  In fact, it was released this past Saturday, January 15th, as part of the Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15) - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).  Now, I'm not sure if your school has yet enabled New Quizzes in your Canvas environment, so this would certainly be a question you'd want to ask your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning/eLearning department.  (Not all schools have chosen to "flip the switch" yet for New Quizzes.)  Also, it's worth noting that if you are still using current Classic Quizzes, Instructure (the folks that make Canvas) isn't doing any more development on Classic Quizzes.  This blog post, Classic Quiz Sunset Timeline (Subscribe!) - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com), shows the complete timeline for New Quizzes and the end-of-life for Classic Quizzes.

Also, here is a Guide for you to look at which describes partial credit in more detail for matching questions: How do I create a Matching question in New Quizzes... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

I hope this information will be helpful to you and others who have participated in this thread.

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