[ARCHIVED] Portfolium Program Assessments- changing from anonymous review to show student name to reviewer

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Has anyone ever set up a program assessment with "keep student name anonymous", then later decided to change the assessment setting to "show student name to the reviewer"? We started adding collections/ and added and reviewed artifacts, then realized if the student name was shown, it would be included in the csv report download and could be used to gather data of individual student performance, which would be helpful. I went back to edit the settings for the program assessment, but it does not update any completed reviews to show student name. I tried adding a new collection and artifacts, but when I went to review, it does not show student name despite that now being the default for the program assessment. Any advice?

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1 Solution

Hello @AdrianneJones 

Thank you for reaching out in the Community!

I do apologize this question has been left unanswered for quite some time.

When looking into the question, it sounds like this might be a limitation of program assessments if it was initially setup with that "keep student name anonymous" setting checked.

If you are thinking this could potentially be unwanted behavior and think this could be improved, Members of our Product and Engineering team want to hear from you if there is anything that would make your experience with Canvas better. Feel free to submit your suggestions to our Ideas Page here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas-and-Themes/ct-p/canvas-ideas-themes

How Idea and Themes work in our Community:

Existing Ideas: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/idb-p/canvas-ideas?sort=&status=added-to-theme&label...

Also, if you would like to discuss this in-depth with our Canvas Student ePortfolio team, you can open a support ticket about this by emailing support@portfolium.com

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