[ARCHIVED] Teachers Creating Courses

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Let me preface this by sayinig;  We are new to Canvas and haven't had any training--but need to get moving before school starts.  I am the admin, have been nosing around and I see where I can create a course and attach a teacher to that course.  This then allows the teacher to set up their course pages.

I do not see anywhere how to allow teachers to create their own courses.  I'm not certain we want to do that, but I'm just trying to find the setting...

I have used an LMS before and in that LMS, we set account type to student, teacher, admin, etc.  In Canvas, I don't see account types--I'm guessing type is defined on the Course Level, not the account level?


Jenny McGrail

Holy Family Academy

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Community Coach

 @mcgrail_jennife , this is under admin settings. Check out this guide - What are the Canvas settings at the account level? - look under "View who can create new courses" for more information.

Hope this helps!

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