How do I use account settings?
As an admin, you can use your account settings to manage settings for your entire institution. Depending on your permissions, you can edit differing levels of the account settings.
View a video about Account Settings.
Note: In sub-accounts, not all account settings may be available.
00:07: How do I use account settings? 00:11: In global navigation click the admin link then click the name of 00:15: the account. 00:17: The settings portion of your account is only available to Canvas admins. 00:21: In account navigation click the settings link 00:26: In the account settings tab, you can specify settings for the entire account. 00:30: This table includes several sections that you can manage including account settings, 00:34: IP address, filters, features, Global JavaScript in 00:39: CSS, custom, help, links enabled, web services 00:43: and permissions for who can create new courses? 00:47: In the quotas tab, you can set default account quotas for courses users 00:51: and groups. You can also set quotas, by course, ID, 00:55: or group ID. 00:58: If your account has enabled, the Microsoft group enrollment syncing feature option, 01:02: you can view the integration tab. From this table, you can 01:06: allow courses in your account to sync course data with Microsoft teams. 01:11: In the notifications tab, you can change the settings for email notifications. 01:16: You can choose to keep the default canvas setting or change the email notification 01:20: from name for canvas notifications. 01:23: This custom text can be your institution name or whatever sender information. 01:27: You would like to use. Using the custom text field helps student 01:31: identify notification emails more easily and improves the quality of 01:35: student instructor interaction. You can also warn 01:39: users about notifications, sent to external Services adding a 01:44: non-institutional address may result in the exposure of sensitive content. 01:50: In the atmans tab you can view and edit the admins assigned to this account. 01:54: If you are working with sub-accounts admin privileges are limited to the scope 01:58: of just that sub account and below. Learn how to add an administrative 02:02: user to your account 02:05: In the announcements tab, you can send out Global announcements to every user in 02:09: that account. These announcements are used to announce events such as building 02:13: closures class cancellations holidays Etc. 02:17: Learn more about global announcements 02:21: The reports tab is where custom reports will appear after you design them. 02:25: There are many more reports available in canvas, they just aren't listed on this 02:29: page. They are available in context. 02:32: Quiz reports, for example are available from the quiz page 02:36: itself. User reports are available on the user's profile page. 02:42: If your institution has enabled, the canvas App Center in the apps tab, 02:46: you can view all available. External learning tools in canvas, However, 02:50: you can also configure apps manually. 02:53: External learning tools are often developed as LTI Integrations. 02:57: These tools may be published along with a textbook and access to 03:01: these tools as often restricted to students in the course, Any 03:05: LTI provider should be able to give you the information. 03:08: You need to configure the tool in canvas. 03:11: Once configured here at the account level, it is available to any course, designer 03:15: or instructor in the account. 03:18: The feature options tab displays new features that are available to your account on 03:22: both the account and course levels. Features can be turned on for the 03:26: entire account turned off for the entire account or allowed. 03:29: So instructors can decide whether or not to use the feature. 03:33: Instructors can enable course allow features on a course by course basis. 03:39: The security tab is where the content security policy can be managed. 03:43: You can enable or disable the content security policy and add or 03:47: removal allowed domains 03:50: This guide covered how to use account settings.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Settings

The settings portion of your account is only available to Canvas admins.
In Account Navigation, click the Settings link.
View Settings
In the Account Settings tab, you can specify settings for the entire account. This tab includes several sections that you can manage including Account Settings, IP Address Filters, Features, Global JavaScript and CSS, Custom Help Links, Enabled Web Services, and permissions for who can create new courses.
Note: The Default Due Time feature option must be enabled to view the Default Due Time drop-down menu.
View Quotas
In the Quotas tab, you can set default account quotas for courses, users, and groups [1]. You can also set quotas by Course ID or Group ID [2].
View Integrations

If your account has enabled the Microsoft Group enrollment syncing feature option, you can view the Integration tab. From this tab, you can allow courses in your account to sync course data with Microsoft Teams.
View Notifications
In the Notifications tab, you can change the settings for email notifications. You can choose to keep the default Canvas setting or change the Email Notification “From” Name for Canvas notifications. This custom text can be your institution name or whatever sender information you would like to use. Using the custom text field helps student identify notification emails more easily and improves the quality of student-instructor interaction.
You can also warn users about notifications sent to external services; adding a non-institution based email address may result in the exposure of sensitive content.
Note: Only root account admins can configure notification settings for an account. The Notifications tab is not available in sub-accounts.
View Admins
In the Admins tab, you can view and edit the admins assigned to this account. If you are working with sub-accounts, admin privileges are limited to the scope of just that sub-account and below. Learn how to add an administrative user to your account.
View Announcements
In the Announcements tab, you can send out global announcements to every user in that account. These announcements are used to announce events such as building closures, class cancelations, holidays, etc. Learn more about global announcements.
View Reports
The Reports tab is where custom reports will appear after you design them. There are many more reports available in Canvas, they just aren't listed on this page. They are available in context. Quiz reports, for example, are available from the quiz page itself. User reports are available on the user's profile page.
View Apps
If your institution has enabled the Canvas App Center, in the Apps tab you can view all available external learning tools in Canvas. However, you can also configure apps manually.
External learning tools are often developed as LTI integrations. These tools may be published along with a textbook, and access to these tools is often restricted to students in the course. Any LTI provider should be able to give you the information you need to configure the tool in Canvas. Once configured here at the account level, it is available to any course designer or instructor in the account.
View Feature Options
The Feature Options tab displays new features that are available to your account on both the account and course levels. Features can be turned on for the entire account, turned off for the entire account, or allowed so instructors can decide whether or not to use the feature. Instructors can enable course-allowed features on a course-by-course basis.
View Security
The Security tab is where the Content Security Policy can be managed. You can enable or disable the Content Security Policy and add or remove allowed domains.
Note: The Security tab only displays in Account Settings if the Content Security Policy feature option has been enabled.