[ARCHIVED] What is the best way to set dates in a Master Course so when things get copied to new sections, it adjusts dates to the new term?

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Bringing over an old question from the old forums,

"We use the master course model, and use the API to copy our courses for new sections. That way the master never gets mucked up if an instructor tinkers at the section level. Is there a way we can set the dates in the master course so that when sections are created, it generates the appropriate dates for the term?

Right now we are manually adjusting the dates in the master so it copies correctly. There must be a better way!"

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1 Solution

...And bringing over an answer recently provided by  @jared_flaherty ​,

"all of our terms are 8 weeks, so we make our masters' 8 weeks... we have 8 modules unlocking every sunday at midnight in the masters, these dates are in the past, but spaced/timed properly in our course masters.        we setup the content migration API to shift dates forward to the "real term" it's being taught in....  since we use our course masters for all modalities, we only shift dates for online courses, we 'remove dates' for our f2f/blended courses.     works so far (we are still in beta)...   as long as your course master dates are set up with the same spacing as your dates in your courses api, your content migration api should dump everything in there all nice and proper."

Thanks, Jared!

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