[ARCHIVED] urgent

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I have been given a deadline to complete  a course for my school district. I was just told about the hard deadline and I cannot possibly do this with the time I have. 

I am hoping that someone can help me out there. I am very concerned and want to get some help  so that  I can get the course done. I am a middle school teacher and the course is required to be completed this Sunday. Is there anyone that I call in regard to live. help. My number is (512) 925-2028

Thank you for your help. 


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2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @rose_willey -

While I can't offer live support, if you're looking for a place to start as you design, visit Canvas Commons! There are so many resources available there. How do I import and view a Commons resource in Canvas?

Additionally, there are some fabulous templates available for teachers! The Instructional Design team at Instructure created them, and they're beautiful. 

2018 Teacher Appreciation: Home Page Templates

2020 Course Design Essentials: Home Page & Sample Module Template 

2020 Course Design Essentials: Centers in Canvas 

2020 Course Design Essentials: Design Tips for Pages 


All of these should help you get started! Don't be afraid to browse the Canvas Guides and the Canvas YouTube Channel for inspiration as well.

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Community Champion

Hi @rose_willey 

I would strongly urge you to remove your phone number from your question, then instruct folks to direct message you if they can provide help.


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