Student discovered his MUTED GRADE

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Community Participant

A student at our school has found a bit of a "hack" into the muted grade lock down that I would like the share with the community. The student discovered the hack, told us about it, and even made a YouTube video showing the exploit.

The way it works:

A student viewing his/her grades can input predictions about their grades to fudge with the numbers. This even works when a grade is muted. So if a 100 point test has yet to be graded, then a students can "guess" they will receive a 90 and see how this score will effect their overall grade.

Our student discovered that when guessing grades an arrow will appear allowing the student to revert his grade back to the original value. However, if the student guesses his/her grade correctly, then the arrow does not show up. Essentially telling the student that his guess was correct. 

See video:

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4 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @holmer , first of all, I'm so impressed that your student not only reported this but took the time to create a media artifact documenting it. We all want to thank him!

Also, have you and your student submitted support tickets about this? Support needs to have a look at this to verify the behavior, and if it's true that this is an existing hack that can be exploited in this fashion, they will fix it.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

 @holmer , thanks for sharing this hack! I doubt most students would figure it out, but it's good to know that it's out there!

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Community Participant

Please do,  @holmer ‌, and please ask your student to do so as well, ideally directly from his Grades page. We will want to verify and fix this!

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