Term Gradebook Feature Broken?

Community Champion

I didn't get a comment on the actual Production Release page, but I was curious if anyone else saw this:

Grades and Concluded Grading Periods

When the multiple grading periods feature is enabled, instructors cannot assign or edit grades for an assignment within a concluded grading period. Additionally, assignment drop-down menus are also not available in prior grading periods.

We were planning on using this feature this upcoming school year, but the addition of this extra security "lockdown" of grades so to speak, has broken it for us. We live on a trimester schedule where a term might end on a Friday, and the next trimester would start on a Monday or Tuesday. Our faculty are grading final exams and papers for at least a week into the next Trimester, sometimes longer. To lock grades down on the last day of the term is ludicrous. Even if we extended the term date in Canvas to give teachers more time to grade, they wouldn't be able to assign any work in the first week of the subsequent term because the grading periods can't overlap.

Surely we are not the only school affected by this. Is anyone else planning on using the Term Gradebook feature next year? How does your school schedule grade reporting?

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