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Share video in a module; share video with Canvas Studio or PlayPosit quiz to Commons

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I am trying to share a module to Canvas Commons. The module has a PlayPosit video, a worksheet, and copy of the slidedeck. I tried a PlayPosit quiz and a Canvas Studio quiz; I tried just embedding the video without the quiz. Nothing works. Any suggestions on what do to?


1. Module with Playposit quiz: failed

2. Module with Canvas Studio quiz: failed

3. Embed video only in a page: failed

4. Link video from Youtube: failed

5. Share just the video without worksheets or quiz: works (but no context or anything for students to follow)

Thank you for ideas.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @HelpMeOut ...

It may be that LTI external tools like PlayPosit cannot be shared as resources to Commons.  I looked through a couple of the Canvas Commons Guides, and there is a bullet point in the light blue box at the top of this one that specifically states Studio videos cannot be shared to or imported from Commons.  How do I share a resource to Commons? - Instructure Community - 1798  My thinking (educated guess) on this is because I *think* both Commons and Studio are LTI tools, so they can't "talk" to each other.  This is why I'm also thinking that PlayPosit also won't share to Commons.

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps in some way.

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