How do I edit my account settings in Commons?
As an admin, you can manage account settings. Settings are saved automatically as you make changes.
Open Account Settings
In Commons Navigation, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Account Settings option [2].
Edit Approved Content
You can allow approved content for your Commons account. Approved content is indicated in search results by a customizable banner and image.
To allow approved content, click the Allow Approved Content toggle on [1].
To select a custom background color, click the Select background color button [2].
To upload a custom image, click the Change image link [3].
To prioritize approved content in search results, click the Prioritize approved content in search results checkbox [4].
You can allow other users to manage approved content. Type the name of a user in the field and press Enter (PC) or Return (Mac) to give them permission to curate approved content [5].
Note: Custom images must be 50x50 pixels in size and the file format must be either JPEG, PNG, or SVG.
Edit Public Content

By default, users will be able to share and view public content.
To disable public sharing, deselect the Allow users to share to public account option [1]. This will remove the Public (any Canvas Commons user) option when sharing a resource to Commons.
To disable viewing of publicly shared content, deselect the Allow users to view publicly shared content option [2]. This will remove the All (Includes Public Resources) option when searching for a resource in Commons.
To prevent users in your account from viewing or importing publicly shared content, disable the Allow users to view publicly shared content option [2]. This option will hide all publicly shared resources from your Commons account. Users will also not be able to import any publicly shared resources. However, disabling this option does not affect publicly available featured content.
- Authors of publicly shared resources will always be able to view their resource.
- If the Allow users to view publicly shared content option is disabled, admins will not be able to view public resources and discovering users will not be able to view updates to previously imported public resources.
Edit Featured Content

Featured content is enabled by default. When this option is enabled, featured content displays to users at the top of the Commons search page.
To disable featured content from displaying at the top of the Commons search page, disable the Allow featured content option. Featured content curated by the Commons team will still display in search results even if this option is disabled.
Edit Default Search Filters

You can configure default search filters in Commons. Default search filters are automatically applied to all search results in Commons. However, users can modify filters for individual searches.
To turn on default search filters, enable the Configure default search filters option [1].
To only display approved content in search results, enable the Only Account Approved Resources option [2].
To filter content based on grade/level, click the checkbox next to the desired grade/level [3].
To filter content based on sharing and publicity settings, select an option from the list [4].
Edit Standards & Outcomes

By default, Standards & Outcomes settings are enabled.
To disable users from tagging federal or state standards to shared resources in Commons, click the Show Common Core Standards [1] or Show State Standards [2] button to turn off the option.