How do I view resource statistics in Commons?
You can view resource statistics for content shared to Commons by users at your institution. Resource statistics include a link to the resource in Commons, resource author, author email address, approved content status, number of times the resource was favorited, number of times the resource was downloaded, and a link to the source file in Canvas.
Open Stats
In the Commons navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Stats option [2],
View Statistics
The Statistics page displays statistics for all Commons resources shared by users at your institution. Statistics include the name of the resource [1], the author [2], the author's email address [3], the approved content status [4], the number of times a resource has been favorited [5], the number of times a resource has been downloaded [6], and a link to the source file in Canvas [7].
View Resource Details
To view resource details in Commons, click the resource name [1].
To view the author's profile page in Canvas, click the author's name [2].
To send the author an email, click the author's email address [3].
To view the Canvas source file for the Commons resource, click the Hyperlink icon [4].
Commons resources that were privately shared to Commons do not include a link to view the resource details [5].
Search Resources
To search for resources by keyword, title, name, institution, or tag, type in the Search field [1]. Search results load as you type. Commons displays the number of search results [2].
Sort Statistics

To sort resources, click the Sort by drop-down menu. You can sort by most relevant, latest, number of times favorited, number of times downloaded, and approved content status.
Sort with Column Headers
You can also sort by clicking column headers. To sort resources by a column heading, click the heading name. Commons will sort the resources in descending order. To sort in ascending order, click the same column header again. You can sort column headers by resource name [1], approved content status [2], number of times favorited [3], or number of times downloaded [4].
Filter Statistics

You can also filter resources on the Statistics page. To filter resources, click the Filter button. You can filter resources by approved status [1], resource type [2], content type [3], grade level [4], or sharing settings [5].
Download Statistics

To download a copy of resource statistics as a CSV file, click the Download CSV button.