I created a new userscript for removing students from courses in bulk. This will be particularly useful when managing clubs/activity and remediation manually created courses that aren’t set to conclude. For instance, I can see us using this heavily to manage NHS/NJHS, Class of "2018" courses, LOTE clubs, and anything else that has rolling members.
To setup the script –
- Install Tampermonkey (if you don’t have it already)
- Install the script by going to the following link
- Click the “install” button that pops up in Tampermonkey
- Change the "@include" on line 7 to match your institutions Canvas URL setup
// @include https://*.instructure.com/courses/*/users
- It is currently setup to only be visible to admin as our teachers don't have enrollment privileges
- If you are a teacher with enrollment privileges (you can add/remove people), then change Line 22 to include "teacher" as a role.
var buttonRoles = ["teacher", "admin", "root_admin"];
To use the script –
- Open Chrome
- Navigate to the people tab in a course and it should pop up near the top.

Features –
- Lists student name, section, enrollment date, and last activity date in a sortable table.

- Select All checkbox or select individual students
Limitations –
- This currently only works for students. I figure we don’t usually have more than a handful of teachers in a course, so that can usually be managed by hand.
Let me know what you think and if have feature ideas or improvements, let me know!
*EDIT 2/16/22 - Added pagination to load all students at once and async chunking of removal requests to prevent rate limitation errors. I also added loading icons to make user aware script is running.
*EDIT 4/22/19 - Added Section column*