Fetching Marks for a course through API endpoint

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Hi All,

I'm looking for an endpoint where I can fetch 'Marks' for a certain course. I'm kind of looking where I can pass  a course id and fetch the marks for all the students in that course through API. We're building an automation project this way of fetching data can be really helpful.

I've tried multiple Live API but no luck. Can anyone please help out in this regard.

1 Solution
Community Contributor


If by marks you mean points for an assignment you'll find it in the submissions object: https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/submissions.html

If you're looking for the total points a student has in a course or their "final grade" or something along those lines, look in the enrollments object: https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/enrollments.html

If you're using enrollments, you may want to check out the thread I posted yesterday - I was also having trouble finding it, but there's a really good comment there that explains some details.


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