Retrieving a user list given a module id

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Hi there!

I have the following scenery:

I would like to retrieve a list of students given a module.

According to your doc:

I don't know how to get this goal.


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2 Solutions

Hi @abelardolg,

There is a perhaps a language/wording issue here...  Canvas has a specific feature called "Modules" but users are not enrolled to these.  When you say module, perhaps you actually mean what Canvas calls a course?  If so, you can check out the Courses API to list courses for a given user.  If this is not what you're looking for, maybe you can post some screenshots from your Canvas instance and highlight what you're calling a module so we can better understand.  One quick note, this does assume you are an administrator for your Canvas instance, as that's the only way you'd be able to access the API for other user information.


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Hi @abelardolg,

I don't think there's an "official" one, at least not that I know of.  I was able to find a blog post form a few years back with some of the more common Canvas terms and definitions: Canvas Glossary - Instructure Community.  Hope that may help you out a bit!


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