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Overview: Welcome one and all, this document is designed to assist everyone from those that have never heard the API acronym before, to seasoned programming veterans who may be looking for tips and tricks that are specific to the Canvas API. I have w...

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Canvas Developers Group
  • 31 Replies

This blog post was written in response to a discussion started by lph called Color Variables.The Canvas Style Guide has a section on colors and makes reference to Color Variables and then has a section on background colors. Layne said the problem was...

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Canvas Developers Group
  • 7 Replies

OverviewOne of the most common questions I'm asked when consulting our Canvas partners is how to synchronize the roster from Canvas into an external application. There are a variety of ways this can be accomplished, each with their advantages and dis...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas Developers Group


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Print Canvas Quizzes is a script that will allow a user to print a quiz from the preview page. Features Adds a "Print Quiz" button below the question navigation paneAuto-page break: This will keep all question content on the same page and prevents a ...

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Canvas Developers Group

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It’s no secret that externally handling pages was difficult with Canvas. The problem was the API didn’t expose an ID for the page, so you needed to look it up by title.https://<ORG><COURSE ID>/pages/<MY-PAGE-TITLE>Simple enou...

Community Novice
Canvas Developers Group
  • 4 Replies

As Canvas admins we have a need to track external tool usage, across all course shells. We often are very interested to know adoption of a tool at our institution. Or if we determine that a particular tool has a technical problem, we need to be able ...

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Canvas Developers Group


Open API

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Kansas State University is proud to announce our first open source LTI application. It is an attendance taking tool. The source code is available on GitHub.Previously we released a Java library to interface with the Canvas API. (blog post | code) Thi...

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Canvas Developers Group


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This is a follow up to my previous blog post, "A Simple Python GET Script". Personally, I find myself using POST requests quite frequently. So while the GET script was great for showing at a basic level how Python can interact with your Canvas instan...

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Canvas Developers Group

Open API

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Hey guys, I'll spare you my life story on this one, but I am the LMS Administrator at a non-profit institution. What that means is that I'm the administrator, the course designer, the data-analyst, the help team, and all things betwixt. I've had to l...

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Canvas Developers Group


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The following is an extension on James Jones' "Adjust All Assignment Dates on One Page" Google Sheets application. The application itself can be found here: Canvas Update Tool - v6 - Google Sheets The application itself works the same way, setup, sav...

Community Novice
Canvas Developers Group
  • 21 Replies

Are you tired of seeing all those ancient events from two years ago in your syllabus feed? Want an easier way to remove old events without having to manually delete each one or having to remove all dates from everything in the course? Give this scrip...

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Canvas Developers Group

Open API

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Howdy! Well, I guess it's time to share this out with everyone. We are using this script I wrote this school year with our teachers. I taught myself Javascript as well as the Canvas API in order to save everyone the pain and strife of crosslisting. *...

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Canvas Developers Group

Open API

  • 41 Replies

The current quiz API seems to be missing functionality to insert HTML answers, as one can only set an answer_text and not an answer_html.  This is despite the fact that the actual answers support an html element, as can be seen below: "answers": [ { ...

Community Champion
Canvas Developers Group
  • 4 Replies

If you have arrived here from scratch, you may want to work through the first two parts of this blog and come back:

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Canvas Developers Group
  • 5 Replies

I am a big fan of sections and have found that they are useful in a number of contexts. However, I really hate to use point and click user interfaces, so I decided it was time to make some programs to do the work for me.This lead to a series of progr...

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Overview As Instructure's Partner Integrations Specialist, I’m often asked how an LTI tool can return a grade to Canvas for an assessment that’s completed on the tool provider side. The answer varies based on a set of requirements the tool provider h...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas Developers Group


Open API

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 @erik_happaerts   asked the following question in the Community: Export results question group Our students need to take a test in which both the final result as the score for each question group is important. Up to now we were unable to export the ...

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Canvas Developers Group
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Some people want to hide menu items from certain roles, while leaving it there for others. The ultimate solution is probably Canvas Permissions and Granularity Feature Ideas, but in the meantime there are some things you can do. This blog post in res...

Community Champion
Canvas Developers Group
  • 30 Replies

The ChallengeSolutionDemoRepositoryThe ChallengeSome of the students at our institution completely overlook the View Feedback link that appears when they are viewing a previously submitted assignment upload. Many simply click on the download link for...

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Update 2018-07-25I know this is late, but I was unable to edit the post to make this update.On 2018-06-23 this script became OBSOLETE due to Instructure having made their own version a non-optional component of the official UI.I have recieved a few m...

Community Champion
Canvas Developers Group
  • 53 Replies

The ChallengeWhile the Student View button is easily found under the Settings panel of the course navigation menu, many of the instructors at my institution still would prefer for it to be accessible on their home screen. Other Learning Management Sy...

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Canvas Developers Group
  • 23 Replies

For those reading the title and wondering if I'm going to answer that question -- the answer is no. But if you want to see how the Community influences, impacts, or is related to Canvas, you might benefit.In the question Idea System Broken? , a comme...

Community Champion
Canvas Developers Group
  • 18 Replies

Ok, hopefully you successfully produced the Sucess!! message from Part 1.I thought getting the redirect wired up as far as the Success message was a good starting point, but there are a few details that I glossed over for the sake of simplicity, whic...

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Canvas Developers Group


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I just came from a workshop on "Language and Accessibility" (as a follow-upp to a seminar that we had a month ago on the topic - the slides from the seminar are available (in Swedish) from

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Canvas Developers Group
  • 7 Replies

Recently I was asked to create a custom grading tool based on rubrics, which requires modifying student grade data.  I had created a LTI toolkit to run some reports and automate SIS integration workflows, in that scenario I was using a token generate...

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Canvas Developers Group


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We’ve been moving to a “standards-based mindset” (props to Schimmer for a great book!) in our assessment and grading over the past couple of years and have begun collecting student performance data using a variety of methods. We’ve tried Active Grade...

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Canvas Developers Group

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Original post: rcanvas + the tidyverse rcanvas continues to grow. Thanks to the recent contributions from Chris Hua, getting user groups, announcements, and discussions from your institution’s Canvas instance has never been easier. More collaborators...

Community Novice
Canvas Developers Group

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The Java development team here at Kansas State University started our Canvas adventure off with some questionable decisions. We were originally just going to write a couple of simple LTI applications. Of course the scope and complexity of the applica...

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Canvas Developers Group

Open API

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So the school district I work for encountered a problem with students having unnecessary conversations in Canvas using the Inbox. The first thing we did was disable the permission 'Send messages to individual course members' for student,  this preven...

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Canvas Developers Group
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I have been encouraged to make the contents of my sandbox more visible, it can be found at  One of my goals has been to be able to use software to interact with Canvas, rather than being limited to cut and paste...

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Canvas Developers Group
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