custom_data access

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Some of our Canvas teachers want to know what grade level their students are. Because I don't know of any place to store this data I started adding this data through the /v1/users/{user_id}/custom_data API endpoint. Now I can access student grade levels through the 'People' interface and the 'Gradebook' interface in a particular course.

The problem is I can only seem to access this data as an ADMIN. When teachers try to access this data it seems they don't have the privileges to run the code I've written to access the API endpoint.

Is there any work around for this?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @DanielLim without your code we won't be able to help much, but according to the API endpoint documentation here you have to be an account admin with the "manage users" permission.

I'm assuming you're using the custom JS to call the custom_data endpoint, correct? If so, you could try potentially writing an external script (like in Google App Script) that would remotely do the call for you and return the data, then the rest of the code in your custom JS would process it and present it to the user in the UI. If you try this route, you want to be careful NOT to expose your API key that will be making the call on your behalf.

Hope this (can) help!

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