[API] Teacher token api cannot see account level grading standards
Grading standards can be created at the course level or account level. User can assign account or course level grading standard to be active in course When using a teacher token, the API will only return course-level grading standards. Account-level grading standard will be missing from returned JSON. The scope for this API needs to allow teacher tokens to return grading standards created at the account level. The scope on the grading scheme API is broken, a teacher token should be able to see all the relevant grading standards for class. Especially if a grading standard is active in the class, we ought to be able to get that standard using the teacher's token.
Getting an admin token to access teacher course data through the API, when the teacher can see and configure that data through the UI, is not a very good solution. Admin tokens have a LOT of power and should not be handed out for something simple like viewing a course grading standard. This problem stems back to the early days of the API back in 2014 when the developers realized they had locked down way too much information to the admin token, so they made a change back then to give the teacher token access to course relevant data. For whatever reason, I think they just missed it, they did not also add the account generated grading standards API to the teacher token, even though it is visible through the UI and the teacher is the one that sets the grading standard for course, NOT admins typically. We need this fixed so that we can display the course's active grading scheme in our LTI when the teacher has selected an account grading scheme. This is view only data, at the course level, so there is no security risk.