[Account Settings] Default Grading Schemes at the Account Level

This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta •  How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19) 


Because schools often have a school-wide grading scheme that might differ from the default in Canvas, it would be much more efficient if, at the account level, administrators could set the default grading scheme.  Currently, we can create a grading scheme that is available to teachers.  But, if every teacher has to manually go into settings to switch to that grading scheme, it is pretty inefficient.

Community Champion
Community Coach
Community Coach

It would also be nice if you could select this for use for an entire sub-account. For example, if a College of Med (or Law) used a different grading scheme from the rest of the university

Community Novice

We're struggling with this issue right now. Really promising to see that this idea is all the way from 2015 and Instructure still hasn't addressed it. :smileyconfused:

I'm a new Canvas admin and as time goes on it's really depressing to discover how much really basic stuff that I could do SO EASILY in Blackboard that there is simply no way to do in Canvas without a struggle. Every issue I've asked our implementation team about, the answer is either "well you'll just have to figure out a way to script it" or "it can't be done." This system is so primitive compared to Blackboard. Bright and shiny on the outside but hollow and completely devoid of features and flexibility on the inside.

Community Member

Teachers will have a much easier time of it if I can edit the default grading scheme and call it a day. Having teachers do it class by class every year is not the greatest set up. It's not intuitive. Teachers get frustrated and come in one by one for help.

Community Novice

Would absolutely appreciate account-wide grading schemes - it seems that as a teacher of multiple subjects (primary school teacher), a grading scheme that I set up for one subject cannot be found to be selected when I want to choose the grading scheme for another subject, which means every subject I teach needs me to recreate the grading scheme to meet our school-wide policy. This is arduous, but particularly if I name my schemes with the current year so that one day when the scheme changes I'll be able to easily tell which courses are using an out of date scheme.

Community Participant

This should be in place as soon as possible.

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure


This feature is available in Beta. For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2024-10-19) How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an instructor?