[Account Settings] Terms Menu Improvements
Our institution has over 1000 terms on one of our instances, and the terms menu on the Courses page has become pretty non-functional. There are times it does not load at all, or when it does load it can take a minute or more to load. We could use some improvements to the functionality that would help mitigate this issue.
While we can type the term name in the box, we have to type it exactly as it is named. If the terms menu could be improved so that a partial search could be done instead of having to match the term name exactly, that would be very helpful.
I did put in a ticket with Canvas support and here was their response:
At this present time, we do not have a method in place that will resolve the behavior you are experiencing. The best solution to this behavior is to swap the dropdown menu with a search box once a certain threshold of terms has been passed. However, we do not have a function in the API to search for specific terms, and that function would be necessary for the creation of that solution. As adding that function is creating a brand new feature in Canvas and not repurposing or adjusting existing functionality, this would need to go through the feature idea process to be added to Canvas as a whole.