Themes and Theme voting are currently on hold as the Instructure Product Team works on implementing a better solution to collect your feedback. Read Ruth's blog for more information.
This would be a wonderful enhancement! I've gotten a lot of feedback from students in my classes saying they wish the college academic calendar was available in Canvas.
We have had faculty asking for an institutional calendar for years! This would eliminate a lot of work that faculty members do to create important dates on the calendar, and make students more aware of these dates.
If these could be at the term-level for the institution (such as withdrawal deadlines) and at the sub-account level (for discipline specific dates or events). Some larger universities or k-12 districts probably have a much more complicated semester date situation so the flexibility to be able to do either would be beneficial.
Account and Sub-Account level calendars would be incredibly beneficial to our teachers and students. We could mark holidays, special bell schedules at each school, finals etc. Currently, our teachers need to list important dates in every course they create which is very time-consuming.