Account level calendar (and sub-account level calendar)

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Account level and sub-account level calendar use cases:

  1. Holiday dates
  2. Open days
  3. Special events
  4. Competitions

All users within that account or sub-account would see these calendar events.

Community Member

I'd love to see a feature that allows admins to make mass calendar updates for all users to include Day of the Week (we work on a six-day cycle), Holidays, In-Service Days, Snow Days, etc.

Community Member

We're new users that desperate for this feature! This would be a gamechanger for our families.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating
Community Explorer

Vote yes!

Community Explorer

This would be an amazing feature!

Community Explorer

This would be great! We're currently considering making a university-wide "course" with everyone in it for this exact purpose.

It would make a lot more sense for there to be an option, in the admin account, to set key institutional dates which are then visible in all users' calendars.

Community Novice

I was looking for a simple way to add a special event to multiple courses, but stumbling across this conversation, sounds like there isn't a way to do that.  It would obviously be hugely beneficial to add this functionality.  Special events, gatherings, holidays, etc.  

I hope you'll add this functionality.



Community Contributor

I agree this would be a great feature!  I think it would be important to allow it to be fed via rss or some other automated process for ease of updating and keeping things in sync.

Community Member

An idea for: Canvas instance calendar or school-wide calendar!

It would be convenient to have a school-wide calendar, created at the admin level for editing-protection purposes, that contains holidays, school-breaks, teacher in-service days, minimum days, and other general and or local events that may pertain to all students across all courses for the entire school year. This main calendar would "trickle down" to all courses when a new course is copied or created. All Canvas users could be able to view this calendar, where they can turn it on or off, depending on their preference. Linking to an external calendar doesn't allow for users to see both the main school calendar overlaid on their Canvas course calendar.

Lastly, having this school-wide or instance-wide main calendar would save teachers time in recording dates/events; it will let them focus more on their individual course dates/events, and most importantly, to ensure there or no scheduling conflicts! 


(We would be happy to beta test this!!)

Community Member

Did NOT see the previous posts about this idea! Good to know I'm not alone. Kinda sad that this was brought up SIX YEARS AGO, and still hasn't happened. I would think that in a post-Covid education realm, Canvas would be in use 10 times more than before, and the need for this would be greater. I'm not a technician/programmer, but it seems like something that could easily be done that would help so many users!! Hopefully, this can gain momentum again and this feature could get added to an already great LMS!