Add a term date filter in the 'Copy To' assignments menu

We have been using the new Copy To feature for copying assignments to courses. It would be useful if there was also a filter menu for term dates in the Copy To menu as well as courses. We have multiple versions of the same course with the same name so it can be confusing knowing which one you are copying to as this screen shot shows.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-03-03).

Community Champion

Thank you @Stef_retired !  The change has made so many teachers happy.

Community Champion

@Stef_retired  While the latest deploy has helped, as a long-time Canvas district, our teachers have many courses and they are struggling to find the correct course in the import list. In some cases they are reporting that the course they need does not show up when they scroll through the list. We're finding that this occurs when the browser scale is zoomed and the teacher can't actually see the bottom of the list. I've reported this to support and have been given a workaround to paste the course id number in the search field. That simply shouldn't be necessary, and to me seems to be a bug in the rendering of the scroll field. Sorting the course list from newest to oldest would help, but at the end of the day, what is the purpose of seeing closed, uneditable courses? If they select an old course they receive an error message, which is just poor design for the end user.  


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@audra_agnelly   This now-completed idea is specific to Copy To functionality. We have a conversation underway requesting a search field for course imports: Search bar when importing course content 

Community Champion

@Stef_retired I am referring to the course list in the side panel when you use the copy to feature.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@audra_agnelly Thanks for clarifying that. Is your support case still active? If so, please continue to follow up on the case directly with support. If they've advised you to share a new feature idea requesting enhancements to the design of the side panel, we hope you will—and at the same time, please share the case number in the idea description.

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Completed