[Admin Tools] New Report on Use of Classic and New Quizzes

For  schools that do not have the resources to use Canvas Data: 


Help Canvas administrators assess usage of Classic Quizzes during the transition to New Quizzes by adding a reporting tool to "school.instructure.com/accounts/1/settings#tab-reports" that generates a term listing of Quizzes by type (Classic or New), quiz title, date, course, publish state, and how many student took the quiz. 


The tool would allow admins to monitor instructor progress in moving away from Classic Quizzes and assist in planning and assisting instructors who may not be focused on the transition. 

Community Explorer

We are just starting our transition to New Quizzes and I went looking for a report to find this exact information and couldn't find it. As a university we have no idea how many courses or instructors use quizzes. We only know based on analytics that quiz page views went up during COVID.  A report like this will help us plan and do targeted outreach and training.

Community Explorer

Such a report would be extremely useful as we transition to New Quizzes.

Community Participant

Agreed, it would be good to get an idea of new quiz adoption statistics, potentially by sub-account, so we can get an idea of areas that may need more support than others.

Community Champion

That would be super.  I recently did it manually for our Spring semester by identifying every site where quizzes were used and then looking at each one (of over 800).  I found less than 1% NQ adoption, and some people who used NQ one semester and went back to CQ the following one.  Not a good sign.  I prefer using NQ (marginally - pluses and minus almost balance out) but as I've repeated in a number of posts, Canvas seems blind to the fact that people don't like to see major changes to a tool they have become very familiar with.  And there are several places in NQ where behavior is opposite to what it is in CQ - guaranteed to cause trouble.  

Community Participant

This would be a very helpful tool. I agree as a college it is difficult to know how many instructors are using the Classic Quizzes. We wouldn't need to know who is not using Quizzes at all, but being able to tell who still is using Classic, for that targeted training idea I saw in the previous comments is the biggest need we have.

Community Participant

I just went looking for a report to tell me exactly this information and am very disappointed such a report does not exist. It would be so helpful to know at what point my instructors are in adoption. Being able to see how many New Quizzes are being used versus how many are still using Classic Quizzes or even how many have tried to migrate and if the migrated quiz was actually used or not would be so helpful as we work to help with the change management that is transitioning from Classic to New. Even outside of this it would be amazing to run a report and get a breakdown of what items exist in all courses - such as course X has 15 discussions, 5 quizzes, 5 assignments, etc. As Canvas admins this type of reporting could be super useful when it comes to reporting out usage. Please create this as a configurable report that we can pull for our instances/subaccounts! 

Community Member

We would love to know the adoption rate for new quizzes. We would also love to see which courses are still using the Classic quizzes so we can work with those instructors to move toward the new quizzes. We would also like to know how many tried to move to new quizzes but had issues. Please create this as a report we can change to pull this data.

Community Member

If the report is not available, perhaps we could get some documentation on how to find this information using Canvas data.  Can we find this information in the download files or do we have to pull it using the API?

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