All Assignments Display in To Do List

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea open for vote Wed. March 2, 2016 - Wed. June 1, 2016  Learn more about voting...


Currently only assignments with a submission type show in the To Do list. ALL assignments must be completed and therefore should be listed in the To Do List with a method for students to check off that it has been submitted if it's submitted manually.


  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-10-29)


Hello  @jlg65 ​,

Thank you for taking time to come suggest this feature idea.  I thought I had seen if before but now realize I was probably thinking of   which is similar but distinct.  This submission will open for vote on March 2nd.



Community Participant

Thank you!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @jlg65 , the comments on this related and archived (but on the radar) feature idea might also provide some useful info:

Community Participant

Thank you!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. March 2, 2016 - Wed. June 1, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Participant

I think this idea is the very similar ( ) and also open for voting.


Thanks,  @c_housley ​.  I agree that people who care about this idea would probably also be interested in the one you referred to.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

185680_pastedImage_6.pngWe appreciate you, and the submission of your idea. Your dialogue helps our product teams prioritize feature development. Unfortunately, this idea has been archived because it did not meet the 100-vote threshold within the 3-month voting period. Learn more at: How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

Can archived ideas still become a feature?  Potentially, yes. Archived ideas can be resubmitted by Community members. As people’s needs change, previously submitted ideas may gain additional traction. Feature ideas are evaluated as a whole and influence product direction.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Check out a similar idea here: ​ It's currently open for vote. While it's not the same as this idea here, it may still align with the same outcomes.

Community Team
Community Team
  This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta How do I access the Canvas beta environment?

For more information, please read through the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2016-10-17)

Would you like to discuss this release with other enthusiastic Canvas Admins?  Join the Beta Release Asynchronous Collaborative Chat