All or No Points on Multiple Answer Questions

Currently multiple answer questions give a partial score if students do not choose all the correct answers. Please add a feature that allows faculty to set multiple answer questions to give an all or nothing score if the student does not choose all of the correct answers. Many professional certification exams require this type of scoring and currently our faculty are having to hand grade these questions.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please refer to How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes?

Community Novice

Nationally, schools of nursing need this feature as we all face the same issues. The option will make testing easier for students and deliver statistics that will create stronger testing. Nursing students face many challenges, let's making the use of Canvas testing better! This option can be a "perk" for changing from other platforms to Canvas.

Community Novice

We use "select all that apply" questions (multiple response)  on each unit exam. We do not award partial credit since NCLEX -RN does not award partial credit. It is all or none. Since this is not an options in Canvas, we hand grade those items. We need an option to not give partial credit and be able to collect statistical information.

Community Novice

This is essential. Without it the testing function is incompletel

Community Novice

As others have mentioned, this is essential functionality. It is a basic feature, that has resulted in faculty spending exorbitant amounts of time regrading by hand.


Community Novice

Including the option for faculty to assign appropriate credit (all or nothing) has the potential to improve overall faculty satisfaction with the learning management stystem (LMS), increase student satisfaction with the Canvas testing experience, and reduce student anxiety in an already stressful environment.

Community Novice

Schools of nursing need this feature as we all face the same issues related to providing statistically valid tests. This option will make testing easier for students and deliver statistics that will create stronger testing. We need the option for "all or nothing test questions".

Community Novice

Please add this essential functionality to Canvas

Community Contributor

We turn the multiple answer questions into fill in the blank questions and list the answer choices as part of the question.  The students type their responses in and the instructors grade.  Not a very good solution.

Community Participant

I think it is important to give the choice to do partial or to give all points.  We use this feature in two ways. A) if you want to give multiple choices but only get part correct, you should only get partial credit.  B) sometimes we need to go back after the exam and accept other answers due to the question being confusing.  In that case we do NOT want to give partial credit, we want to accept either of the answers we marked.

Community Novice

I vote yes!