All or No Points on Multiple Answer Questions

Currently multiple answer questions give a partial score if students do not choose all the correct answers. Please add a feature that allows faculty to set multiple answer questions to give an all or nothing score if the student does not choose all of the correct answers. Many professional certification exams require this type of scoring and currently our faculty are having to hand grade these questions.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please refer to How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes?

Community Champion

This is a great idea, and received good voting points. I know that this is part of the ongoing discussions in Canvas Studio: Modern Quizzing Engine

I would recommend that all of you join the discussions there and add your great use-case scenarios and review what others are saying. This is going to be big!

Agent K

Community Member

Following....This is exactly what I'm looking for!

Community Novice

Would be great to have this feature (all or none) as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Community Novice

Hi there!  Are there any updates on the progress of this project?

Community Champion

I've written an add-on script that will allow people to regrade multiple answers questions as all or nothing. Not as good as being built into Canvas, but perhaps a work-around for those who absolutely must have this.

QuizWiz: Enhancements to SpeedGrader and Quizzes

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Novice

Having the ability to have a select all that apply question would greatly help the nursing program stay accurate and similar with our board testing.

Community Novice

Agree with all other comments, in nursing especially, they need all answers to get it correct.  Please consider; thank you.

Community Novice

This is needed for all the nursing classes taught to mimic professional NCLEX exams at both the PN and ADN.  This is a very high priority.



Community Member

I agree that this is a needed feature. I would suggest that while this feature should be added, it's important to allow the currently existing way of partially grading answers to still exist (by choice). I imagine this would result in an option: to either enable partial credit grading or to grade in an all/nothing way.