All or No Points on Multiple Answer Questions

Currently multiple answer questions give a partial score if students do not choose all the correct answers. Please add a feature that allows faculty to set multiple answer questions to give an all or nothing score if the student does not choose all of the correct answers. Many professional certification exams require this type of scoring and currently our faculty are having to hand grade these questions.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For details, please refer to How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes?

Community Explorer

This has been requested for at least 8 years. I asked for it at least that long ago when I was at a different college. I and a group of other nursing faculty spoke in person with one of the top engineers about this issue at Instructurecon (5 years ago? - when it snowed when we were there)  He told us then they weren't ever going to change it because it was originally made to grade all or nothing and they had to change everything to make it partial points upon wide request and they weren't going to go back.  I and many others tried to explain why this is important to colleges of nursing - but apparently we are too small of a voice to matter.  It is about the only thing I don't like about Canvas. And I really don't like this as I spend hours after every exam, hand correcting the grades just because of this. 😞

I've also heard for at least this same 8 years that the new grade book would provide this option. I don't believe it does yet - in its beta format still. Maybe someday......I feel like its wishing for a vaccine for the common cold - just a dream but leaving us all impacted miserable in the meantime. 

Community Explorer

Its at least 8 years we have been discussing it. Sad isn't it.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks to everyone for commenting on this idea. All-or-none scoring for multiple answer questions in New Quizzes has been available for some time, and you can learn more about using it in How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes?‌ The information box in the lesson states:

Students must get all answers correct to receive full credit for a Multiple Answer question. Partial credit is not awarded if any incorrect choices were selected or correct answers were not selected.

 @mjennings ‌, does this fulfill what you were hoping to see?

Community Novice

I think I look at New Quizzes but I couldn’t use the Lockdown Browser with it. Do you know if that is now fixed?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @lmyran ‌, please have a look at the timeline on the front page of the User Group: New Quizzes‌; you'll see that we have Lockdown Browser coming up very soon on the timeline—along with partial scoring on multiple answer questions.

Community Coach
Community Coach

stefaniesanders,  Absolutely, New Quizzes is the solution. Now if my university would just turn it on...

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

All-or-none points for multiple answer questions has been developed and is available in New Quizzes. For more information, please read through How do I create a Multiple Answer question in New Quizzes? 

 @mjennings  Thank You for submitting this idea. Thanks, also, to everyone who kindly added their comments to the ongoing conversation. Your collective investment in this idea helped bring a new feature to Canvas! 

Community Explorer

How soon will the statistical analysis be available in the new quizzes? That is a limiting factor right now - we can't go to it until we can also get the stats. The last I heard this still wasn't available.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @cindy_masek1 ‌, the timeline on the front page of the User Group: New Quizzes displays several features associated with data and item analysis on the timeline. Generally speaking, the best way to stay on top of updates is by following the group itself and by following the feature idea in which you're interested.

Community Explorer

Thank you. This is great to see the plan - and yes 4th quarter 2021 it is on the schedule!