[Announcements] Bulk Editing Options

Currently on the announcement page of a course if an instructor wants to bulk delete announcements they must check the box next to each announcement before they can click delete button. Additionally, an instructor must edit each announcement one by one to change the delay date. This is tedious process and a waste of instructors' time. 


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Community Member
Problem statement:

Announcements are critical to communicating with students in fully online courses, so many instructors have lots of announcements they copy over semester to semester. Several Canvas users have requested a feature be added so instructors can delay all announcements all at once rather than individually, but this feature still does not exist in 2023. It is very user UNfriendly for instructors to be expected to delay posting them, announcement by announcement, especially when a few clicks have to be completed for each one to delay. Canvas, please provide an update when this issue will be addressed. Thanks.

Proposed solution:

The best solution would be to eliminate how all announcements copied into the course are published automatically when the course goes live so instructors can publish them when appropriate. If that's not possible, we should be able to click a box that selects all announcements, click on a delay all prompt, and enter a date that delays all announcements to that date.

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