[Announcements] Publish and Unpublish Announcements

I love that Canvas can bring over announcements when I copy content from another Canvas course. This keeps me from copying and pasting announcements I make every semester.  To further develop this feature, it would be nice if Announcements were unpublished on import, meaning the instructor can see them but the students can't. With a "publish button on every announcement, instructors could release announcements quickly when they are needed without the tedious setting of a date and time on each announcement.


This feature would also bring announcements in line with other tools in Canvas that use publish and unpublish functionality and would help instructors who might unintentionally be releasing announcements to students from a past semester.

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Community Novice

I agree with everyone here.  We really need to be able to unpublish announcements without having to delete them.  I would like this functionality in order to reuse my announcements so that I can just edit them and publish them for similar classes at a later date.  That way they can just wait in the "Announcements" page until I am ready to use them again.  Canvas administrators, please add this functionality.  It would be so helpful.

Community Member

How has this not been implemented yet, Canvas?? It's such a necessary idea that would eliminate so much confusion for students and unnecessary work for instructors at the beginning of the semester.

Community Explorer

Please, please please. We have been asking for this for years!

Community Member

I see that this conversation goes back to 2015. Was nothing ever done about this?

An on/off or publish/unpublish setting on individual Announcements would be VERY helpful.

Is there a place to vote on this still, or was the "ball dropped"?

Community Novice

It would be great to be able to select a number of announcements and hide them from students.

I prefer to reuse announcements from one year to the next without having to hide them all one by one each year until I am ready to release them again. The only way I can see to do this is to create a section with no students and edit each announcement one by one and make them available only to this new section.

Please make it possible to select several announcements (or all) and hide them (or make available to a certain section).

Community Member


I'd like to have the option with Announcements to save vs save and publish.  As it is now with only the save button, it is not obvious that it will be automatically published when this is clicked.  Often when I am making Announcements, I need to go back to something in the module or whatever and want to save it before doing that, but not publish an incomplete Announcement in doing so.


Community Novice

Instructors have been asking for this feature for SEVEN YEARS!  How hard can it possibly be to give us the ability to publish and unpublish announcements?  Sheesh

Community Novice


Even though I asked Canvas for help on how to do this and got the "sorry, sucks to be you" answer, there IS a way to do this without having to cut and paste. 

On the announcement page, you'll see all your old ones.  Click on one, opt to edit, and waaaayyy down at the bottom you can opt to delay the post until the day you so desire.  It's basically unpublishing it until that date.  

Community Member

It would be great to be able to have the option in announcements to publish or unpublish like we can do with modules and courses. I know there is the date option, but this is extremely tedious when starting a new course with announcements from a previous one. I know you can transpose the dates when importing, that is not what I'm looking for. 

Community Participant

There still does not appear to be a way to unpublish an announcement without deleting it.

We're working on migrating from our current LMS to Canvas, and our current LMS's Announcements tool has both of the following options:

  • Set an end date for announcements so they become hidden from students automatically at a specific date.
  • Save announcements in draft form to be able to unpublish or post them when needed.

The end date option is heavily used by our Library in particular to make copyrighted content available to students for a limited time period.

What is the progress of this request, since the last post on the first page suggests it should have been implemented in 2016?  I also noticed that end dates can be set for global/account-level announcements but not instructor-created ones, so it seems the feature has been developed but not implemented for use at the course level.