[Announcements] Warn user when Announcement Lacks a title

Problem statement:

Users shouldn't be able to save an announcement if it lacks a title. Currently, if an announcement lacks a title, Canvas defaults to adding, "No Title" to the announcement and allows it to be published. If the title field hasn't been edited, it would be great if there was a way to prevent the user from saving and thereby publishing the announcement.

Proposed solution:

If the user hasn't edited the announcement title field, then it should show up with a red box around it (like we're seeing here in typing in this box) and the user shouldn't be able to save the announcement unless they edit the title field.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Coach
Community Coach

This seems like an easy fix.  I agree this would be helpful.

Community Novice

This is a great idea. Instructors are trying to effectively communicate with classes, but if an "Announcement" is accidentally send out without a clear title. students might not open it. After all, "Announcements" are linked to student emails and without a title (ex. Hist. 150: Upcoming Exam), the students might not read it. A pop-up reminder that states that a "Title is needed," would be better than the existing system, in which the title box is simply populated with the useless phrase "No Title." Thanks for supporting this change. 

Community Member

I agree! This would be very helpful when sending students messages. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme