Anonymous peer review

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
  Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...


As an instructor, I'd like to have the option to assign anonymous peer reviews on assignments. In an anonymous peer review, students would know neither the name of the person whose work they are reviewing nor the name of the person who reviewed their work. Instructors would know who reviewed whose work.


transferred from the old Community

Originally Posted By: Neal Legler
Special thanks for contributions by: Stephan Deban, Lindsey Mercer, Jared Chapman



  Comments from Instructure

October 2015 Update!


Part 4 of Anonymous Peer Review is Complete

Find more information in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-10)

Community Champion

Hi erinhallmark​ - I know you say above that the timeline is unknown, but I am going to be that pesky person asking if there is an ETA on the finished Peer Review project...?? We have a very specific request for this functionality for Fall Quarter 2015 (starts mid September for us) and wondering if this might be complete by then. Can you look into your crystal ball....??


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi Crista,

Tomorrow I'll check in and see if I can find any progress on this for you. Smiley Happy



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey Crista,

Looks like a few engineers have been working on components two and three, and the code is going through the review process. So, looks like it is getting closer. Smiley Happy


Community Champion

Yay!! Thanks so much for getting back to me. :smileygrin:

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


This is probably something that could be added to the gradebook as a no-submission assignment. That would be the easiest way to manage something like that. You could also submit a feature idea. Smiley Happy



Community Champion

Hi communityteam​! Just clarifying if your comment from today referencing the comment from April (:smileygrin:) means that we are close on all four pieces? That would be truly panda-rific!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi Crista,

Still in development. But yes getting closer on pieces 2 and 3. Piece 4 is still being finalized though so it won't come out at the same time.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

As an update on this feature, parts 2 and 3 were just added to the beta environment (but remember that Crocodoc isn't available for testing in beta.) At this point, they will be mentioned as part of the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-07-18) .

Part 4 is still in development and is most likely a few releases away, but our product team is trying to get it out to you as soon as they can. We'll keep you posted when we have more information.



Community Champion

Thanks erinhallmark - I will try my best to stop pestering you, but I'm not promising anything. Smiley Wink

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

LOL. I am always happy to share what I know.