Anonymous peer review

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
  Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...


As an instructor, I'd like to have the option to assign anonymous peer reviews on assignments. In an anonymous peer review, students would know neither the name of the person whose work they are reviewing nor the name of the person who reviewed their work. Instructors would know who reviewed whose work.


transferred from the old Community

Originally Posted By: Neal Legler
Special thanks for contributions by: Stephan Deban, Lindsey Mercer, Jared Chapman



  Comments from Instructure

October 2015 Update!


Part 4 of Anonymous Peer Review is Complete

Find more information in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-10)

Community Champion

All I can say is....YAY!!!!! Thank you for sticking with this - now we can release this beast into the wild! Smiley Happy

Community Team
Community Team

This Feature Idea is complete.  Find more information in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-10-10)

Community Contributor

I am totally with Kyle on this one. It seems like an odd trade-off that if I want students to be able to do an anonymous peer review, I lose the instructor grading tools and also have to become anonymous. It's confusing for my students, who can't tell which comments are from their peer reviewer and which are from the instructor (I had several panic and ask for appointments when their peer's rubric showed up with low scores), and it's frustrating for me, because I now have to go back to downloading their assignments, commenting in Word, saving the new file, and individually uploading each file back into Canvas. Is there any hope for a future version that offers anonymity for students, while preserving the instructor identity and tools?

Community Team
Community Team


Thank you to  @hoovenl ,  @James_Kocher_UF ,  @ccalderon ,  @Chris_Hofer ,  @christine_mckeo , 10618071, Deactivated user,  @browning339l , and  @fidalgok  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of the Canvas! Smiley Happy

Community Novice

You are quite welcome! And will there be anonymous peer review within groups, and between groups?

Community Team
Community Team

Those ideas have been submitted through the Community, but they have not made the vote quota yet.  So far, the following ideas have been archived for low votes.



This new idea will open for voting in November.

Community Champion

I had understood that parts of " modifiedtitle="true" title="Peer Reviews for Groups outside their Group​ were covered in CNVS-4606, a bug whose fix depends on Canvas Studio: Speedgrader 2.0​ completion. With luck that fix is still planned.

Community Novice

It is a bit of a Catch-22. Perhaps more people would assign group activities, if there was more functionality that addressed the problems of groups. Then they would be more inclined to vote on improvements in group work.  In addition to voting on these features, I would point to literature that points out the benefits of interactive learning, and the perceived problems of groups. In this article, it is pointed out how assessment are a problem related to group work:

Seven Problems of Online Group Learning (and Their Solutions)

Tim S. Roberts and Joanne M. McInnerney

The ideas that did not make the vote quota would address many of the issues related to assessment discussed in this paper.  Currently, overcoming the lack of these features is a major time suck in assessing the group work that I assign. Why do I do it? I care about the future of my students. The number one skill that employers are looking for is the ability to work in a team.

Hopefully, the flexible peer review creation will get sufficient votes.

Community Champion

 @netnathan10 ​ identified a current vulnerability of anonymous peer review in this feature idea:

If it can't be addressed in a different way, then we'll all need to vote this up starting November 4, 2015.

Community Participant

Anonymous peer review keeps all submitters and reviewers anonymous in SpeedGrader--forcing the instructor to do blind grading, making grading (or giving credit to reviewers via a separate assignment) extraordinarily difficult. This original idea says, "Instructors would know who reviewed whose work." Currently, the Canvas documentation for peer review says, "Instructors and TAs can always view the names of student reviewers in SpeedGrader and on the student submission page." This is not the case. I've submitted this as a bug, but it is appearing as an idea for which you can vote. Please consider doing so!