[Assignment Enhancements] Moderated assignment moderator can't assess as a normal assessor

When a moderated assignment is set up it is required to specify a "moderator" who decides the final mark. When that person views an assignment submission, their perspective of the assignment is to provide the final marks to the student.

However, it's sometimes required for the moderator to provide an independent assessment (e.g., the moderator role may be shared if there is a conflict of interest). In this case, the assignment settings need to be edited to remove the moderator role (putting it to someone else for whom it may or may not make sense), then the original moderator must perform their assessment, then edit the assignment settings to resume their moderator role.

This is clunky and error-prone. When assessing as a moderator, there should be an option to assign marks as a normal assessor OR to finalise the final marks as the moderator.

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