[Assignments] Allow Multiple Submission Types on the Same Assignment

Originally submitted by Sara Wolf


Currently, instructors can choose to allow a variety of formats for assignment submission. However, when the student submits, only one type can be used, unless the student elects to resubmit the assignment. Even so, if the student resubmits the assignment, the student can no longer see his or her first submission. So, if they make a mistake, they aren't sure what need to be fixed, because they can't see what they originally submitted.


It would be helpful to have students be able to submit a file type (graphic, or URL, or word document, for example) and then be able to also use the text box feature, in the same submission, to "tell about" their assignment. Ideally, the instructor would be able to see both submission types in the SpeedGrader in a single submission, and similarly, students would be able to see both submission types in their assignment submission interface. For instance, if students have to create an image of a floor plan for a future classroom, and then provide an "annotation" of that floor plan that describes how it illustrates their teaching philosophy, having the image be visible to the teacher at the same time as the annotation would be ideal. Another example would be an assignment that requires a link to a video url and accompanying text. If the students could submit the URL to the video and fill in a text box at the same time, they would be able to take advantage of the rich content functionality in the text box submission type (that is not available to them in the assignment comments area), and teachers would be able to evaluate the link to the video and the accompanying text simultaneously in the SpeedGrader.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks Stefanie! I'm going to tag Deactivated user​, as he is our assessments man!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Can't agree enough here.  This is something we definitely need to consider for an enhancement to assignments.  I will see what I can do and share more as I can. It makes sense to submit a transcript of a speech along with a URL to a video of the speech (as an example). I'll explore this and share an update.


Community Member

An additional use case for this would be updates to a research paper; Instructors would want the students to submit both the updated paper as a document, and some text about how the paper was updated; this could also apply with video assignments - the students would be invited to submit a video, and an abstract of the video content. This is a high priority for the UC Irvine community.

Community Participant

Besides these great use cases, there's perhaps a more pressing reason for implementing this Idea ASAP.  Currently, the UX doesn't give the instructor any kind of clue that this functionality doesn't already exist.  If the instructor checks "text" and also "file upload" and students actually do both, Canvas will override whatever they did first and only submit what they did last. (any Comments for the earlier submission, btw, remain as disembodied elements of the submission).

Even if this functionality isn't implemented soon, at least a warning message should appear for the instructor before she configures an assignment with multiple submission types.

Community Novice

I think at least once each term, a student will submit an individual assignment over the top of a group assignment by accident. Then I have to contact the group to get the original document. I could definitely see where that would be a problem if you tried to set up an assignment assuming multiple submissions were possible..

Community Participant

Not only do instructors have assignments that need multiple submission types (file and text, file and recording, etc), it is not clear to instructors or students that the assignment will only take one submission type. Besides the little word 'or' within a small text description, there is no clue that this is an either/or proposition. The system allows students to upload a file in one tab, enter text in another, having no idea that only the content last tab showing when assignment submitted will actually save. The current behavior is setting everyone up for failure, which won't be realized until after assignments are submitted. Until the behavior can be changed to accommodate all submission types in one submission, the restriction should be made much more clear to instructors and students.

Community Participant

As you are Gathering Information, I offer you one more consideration.  You might want to consider the other side of the coin, which is too many things being submitted.  In our previous LMS, we added a very popular "Single File Only" option.  Instructors appreciated the constraint for various scenarios.  It sounds like perhaps that was a requirement/concern that maybe the current implementation was designed to facilitate.  Sometimes, you really, really only want them to submit one thing.

Community Member

Diana, I realize we only want students to submit assignments once, however, in my hybrid courses, I allow them to either submit it electronically thru Canvas, or hand in a hard copy in the classroom, which I score. When I do that manually it does not show the student that the assignment has been completed. I spend a lot of time reassuring concerned students that everything is fine, just check the gradebook, etc.

Thanks for your comments.

Alice Clegg MHEd

Lecturer/Advisor – Nursing Dept

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Nursing Website <http://www.dixie.edu/health/nursing/admissions.php>

University Catalog Degree Worksheets <http://catalog.dixie.edu/degree_worksheets/#Associate's%20Degrees>

Transfer Articulation Table <https://bannersec.dixie.edu/proddad/SZPTRANSARTIC.SZTransHist>

Community Participant

Oh, for sure, Alice!

I’m suggesting that “Only one file” could be sub-option within the current option to allow students to “Upload file.” I’m attaching two screenshots; not sure if they will post properly via email reply. One shows what our students see if they can upload many, or upload just one.

diana perpich | mlibrary learning + teaching | university of michigan

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello Christine,

I completely agree. We are exploring the best way to design and implement this process in the current assignments process. We want to be sure we implement the solution the right way AND in a way that makes sense to not affect previously submitted assignments. We have several things to consider, but it's not off our radar.
